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Welcome to the official website of the student council for philosophy at Heinrich Heine University!


Since we haven't been actively using this website for some years now, we'd like to direct you towards our current platforms instead.

We use Facebook and Instagram to announce events.

We provide digital study rooms as well as transcripts of our council meetings on our Discord server. These meetings are currently held fortnightly on Tuesdays from 12:30 on the server as well. Beyond studying and reading transcripts the discord server is currently your best chance to communicate with your fellow students through voice channels, chats and events hosted by us.

Our consultation hour is Wednesdays between 12:30 and 14:00 and we also do individual consultation upon request.

We are also reachable under our e-mail: fsphilo(at)hhu.de

Your current representatives on the student council are:
Tim Birgel, Sophia Alexandra Efremidou, Paul Höfer, Rapheal Maes Vöhringer, Jonathan Marth, Luca Müller, Darian Nöhre, and Malwina Scheele.